blackmagic_guides / covert_entry

Covert Entry


Covert entry refers to the act of gaining entry to a building, room, or other secure space without being detected or without using force. This can include lock bypassing, which involves using specialized tools and techniques to open a lock without a key. Covert entry is often used by law enforcement and security professionals, but it can also be used by burglars and other individuals with malicious intent. It is important to keep your locks secure and to be aware of the potential risks of covert entry.

There are many different techniques that can be used in covert entry, and the specific techniques used will depend on the type of lock being bypassed and the tools and equipment available. Some common techniques include picking, bumping, and bypassing.

Picking involves using a tool called a pick to manipulate the internal components of a lock in order to open it. This technique requires a high level of skill and can be time-consuming, but it can be effective on many types of locks.

Bumping involves using a specially-made key called a bump key to exploit a weakness in a lock's design. Bump keys are typically made by filing down a regular key so that it can be inserted into a lock and bumped with a hammer or other tool to open the lock. Bump keys can be effective on some types of locks, but they are not always successful.

Bypassing involves using a tool or technique to bypass the lock altogether. For example, a person could use a screwdriver to remove a lock from a door, or they could use a tool to manipulate the door's hinges to open the door without using the lock. Bypassing can be a quick and effective way to gain entry, but it can also cause damage to the lock or the door.


Lock picking involves using a specialized tool called a pick to manipulate the internal components of a lock in order to open it. The pick is inserted into the lock and used to manipulate the pins inside the lock.

Most locks have a series of pins that are arranged in a specific pattern. The pins are held in place by a spring, and when the correct key is inserted into the lock, the pins are pushed up and out of the way, allowing the lock to be opened. When a pick is inserted into the lock, the pick is used to push the pins out of the way, simulating the action of the correct key.

To pick a lock, the lock picker will first insert a turning tool into the lock's keyway along with the pick. The turning tool is used to apply torque to the lock's cylinder, which helps to bind the pins in place. This binding is caused by manufacturing imperfections in the lock, and it causes resistance when the pins are being lifted with the pick.

The lock picker will then use the pick to lift the pins, one at a time, until they are all at the correct height. As the picker lifts each pin, they will be feeling for resistance, which indicates that the pin is bound and needs to be lifted. When the picker feels this resistance, they will use the pick to lift the pin until it clicks into place at the "shear line," the point at which the lock will open.

Once all of the pins are set at the correct height, the lock picker can use the turning tool to turn the lock's cylinder and unlock the keyway. This process requires a high level of skill and can be difficult to master, but with enough practice, a skilled lock picker can open many types of locks. It is important to note that lock picking is illegal in some places, and it should only be done with the permission of the owner of the lock.


Key impressioning is a technique that is used to create a key for a lock without having the original key. It involves using a blank key to create an impression of the lock's pins on the blank key.

To begin, the lock picker will insert the blank key into the lock and wiggle it around. This wiggling motion will cause the pins in the lock to bind, creating subtle marks on the edge of the blank key. These marks are caused by the binding pins, and they indicate the position of the pins in the lock.

Once the marks have been created on the blank key, the lock picker will use a file to carefully remove material from the edge of the key. The picker will file down the key, gradually forming the correct bitting for the lock. This process can be time-consuming, but with patience and skill, it is possible to create a key that will open the lock.

Key impressioning is a useful technique for creating a key when the original key is not available. However, it can be difficult to do correctly, and it requires a high level of skill. It is important to note that key impressioning is illegal in some places, and it should only be done with the permission of the owner of the lock.


Bumping is a technique that is used to open a lock without a key. It involves using a specially-made key called a bump key, which is designed to exploit a weakness in the lock's design.

To bump a lock, the lock picker will insert the bump key into the lock and apply pressure to the key with a hammer or other tool. The bump key has a series of ridges on its surface, which are designed to align with the pins in the lock. When the bump key is struck with a hammer, the force of the impact is transferred through the pins in the lock, causing them to jump up and out of the way. This is similar to the way that a cue ball transfers force through the balls on a billiard table.

When the pins in the lock are lifted out of the way, the lock can be opened. Bumping can be a quick and effective way to open a lock, but it is not always successful. Some locks are designed in such a way that they are resistant to bumping, and the technique may not work on these locks. Additionally, bumping can cause damage to the lock, and it can be loud and obvious, making it a potentially risky technique to use. It is important to note that bumping is illegal in some places, and it should only be done with the permission of the owner of the lock.


A traveler's hook, also known as a door hook or a jimmy, is a tool that is commonly used in covert entry. It is a long, thin piece of metal with a curved or hooked end that is designed to fit into the gap between a door and its frame. The hook can be used to manipulate the latch or other non-lock parts of the door in order to open it.

A traveler's hook can be a useful tool for covert entry, but it is not always effective. Some doors are designed in such a way that a traveler's hook cannot fit into the gap between the door and the frame, making it impossible to use. Additionally, some doors have additional security features, such as reinforced frames or security bars, that can make it difficult or impossible to use a traveler's hook to open the door.


Tailgating, also known as "piggybacking," is a technique that is often used in covert entry. It involves following someone who has legitimate access to a building or other secure space, and using their access to gain entry without being detected.

Tailgating is typically done by waiting near a secured entrance, such as a door or an elevator, and watching for someone who has credentials to access the space. When that person approaches the entrance, the tailgater will follow them closely, hoping to slip through the entrance behind them before the security system has a chance to detect their lack of credentials.

Tailgating can be a successful technique for gaining access to a secure space without being detected, but it is not always successful. Many security systems are designed to detect and prevent tailgating, and if the tailgater is not careful, they may be caught and face consequences. Additionally, tailgating can be considered a form of trespassing, and it is illegal in many places. It is important to always use proper credentials when attempting to access a secure space, and to be aware of the potential risks of tailgating.


This information is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and it is not intended to promote or encourage the use of any illegal or dangerous activities. The use of any techniques or methods to gain unauthorized access to a building or other property is illegal and not advisable, and it could have serious consequences, including fines, imprisonment, or other penalties.

The authors of this information do not endorse or encourage the use of any illegal or dangerous activities, and they do not accept any responsibility or liability for any actions taken by individuals or organizations based on this information. It is the responsibility of each individual to understand and comply with the laws and regulations that govern access to private property, and to avoid actions that could violate the rights of others or put their safety at risk.

Additionally, gaining unauthorized access to a building or other property could create significant safety risks for the individuals involved, as well as any occupants of the property. It is essential to respect the rights and property of others, and to avoid actions that could compromise their safety or security.

Overall, while this information may be of interest from an educational or informational perspective, it is not intended to promote or encourage the use of any illegal or dangerous activities, and the authors of this information do not accept any responsibility or liability for any actions taken based on this information.

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